Life is as boring and tired as usual. Today was Dad’s birthday. I simply just got home and had my later dinner and as what we always do, a simple cake blow and that is birthday to my family. No prezzie or anything. Mine is next week, like 6 more days? I would be 19 then.
Time flies. I remember few months back I was celebrating X’mas, Darling’s birthday, CNY, Post-exams… Then… BOOM! 19? No please? I prefer the number 18? Very soon, I’ll be entering army. J just went in recently. Hope that he’s doing fine? Time fly faster and faster as you grow older w/o knowing. I remember when I was young; when I still know nuts about calendars, I always feel that 1 year is faster, and then the next year would be slower. But I guess that’s not the case now. Moreover, Wednesday would be my Mid-Term test at CPTC too. Zzz. Shagged man. Still blur here and there sometimes. Hope I could do reasonably well? I hope…
Continuing from what I’ve learnt in practical the 2 days…
Wednesday, 18 April 2007
We started the compressor in the plant air to start the pigging system. I simply hated that house. So humid. Steps for commissioning and decommissioning of compressor are complicated. However, commissioning of compressor is essential for various operation of the plant. After we have tried to decommission the compressor, we tried commissioning the compressor. There were some problems we face. Example, the no. 2 compressor kicks in due to ES100 (Electronikon) being offline. Then, our instructor; Mr Henry turned it on and allow the controller to take over and re-integrate no.2 (slave). Here, I hope that the meaning of integrate from which I understood was; example, when PV of no.1 (master) falls below the set-point, no.2 which is integrated into the system, kicks in automatically to aid the system to meet the set-point.
After the compressor has been started, we moved on to the pigging system. The purpose of this system is to clean or for internal inspection of pipeline. It was interesting to launch the pigging system. However, in the amidst of fun, the PIG was perhaps not place properly or insufficient pressure which resulted in the Solid Cast PIG stuck in between a bigger and smaller pipeline. It was initially a little slanted and I guess with many people trying to pull and adjust, it got to a more proper position. Then, suggestion of increasing the system pressure was made to troubleshoot this situation. Luckily it wasn’t objected by our trainer as he gave the opportunity to try when it’s possible (otherwise, dismantling of pipe would be needed).
Thursday, 19 April 2007.
It was on the operation of flare. The practical had enhanced what had been gone through in lecture. Most of the safeguarding system has been mentioned in lecture. However, today at the DCS, another safeguarding system was emphasized by one of the trainer; 10-UZ900. It was also one of the safeguarding systems. Assay in a case of flashback, overpressure of pipeline on the other side (leading to flare), 10-UZ900 could prevent the nitrogen tank from contamination through controlling of valve 10-UZ901. The purpose of resetting UZ900 was also to… ask ask Henry again… still got thermosiphon effect to blog about… to be continue…