some sharing once again..
man has to understand this concept very well. loving a woman for life and loving someone just as long as your feel-good hormones can last you. aforementioned, every relationship gradually comes to a passionless stage. it's always you stay on because of the time commitment given overtime which you don't wish for it to go to waste, or otherwise staying due to marriage = responsibility.
however, passion needs to be thrive together as a couple. not one sided. while women may be focusing on thriving on the passion (which they are sensitive enough to feel the loss), she may be giving more. for her, giving more just means she is trying. but this isn't what she needs/ wants to do. she is neglecting herself, her needs. her oxytocin levels jus drops over time, and it'll be empty one day. she needs to fill her oxytocin levels herself, knowing what she needs. subsequently, subconciously as she is giving, she gives points to herself and not to the man. however, even if the man is doing sometghing significant which he feels, she may not be able to appreciate/sees it because her oxytocins levels are just to low to make her realise. high oxytocin levels reduce women's stress, only then she's able to appreciate.
as for man, if he doesn't feel appreciated, her testosterone levels just decreases. his energy level just drops as well. simply because he doesn't feel he is making a difference to her life. a man is happy when he knows he is making a difference to her life and she appreciates.
alright, so much so of some concepts between man and women. definitely, certain ways of communicating needs to be learn as well to avoid any form of heated arguments. ultimately, we love, so why fight?
seriously, i am recommending this book to be read by all women and man. it was out in today's newpaper that it had helped in many relationships which fails. then, we'll understand the many things we never do despite so much effort in figuring out, and we suppose we know. actually, we don't. no more guesses.
i'm embracing the differences, and not accomodating to it. without learning to embrace differences, you'll never get to compromise. subconciously, you're just asking yourself to follow the motion of compromising. it's a big difference.
i once loved a girl, but i am now learning to love a woman. this is time when you discover and learn.
ultimately, are you looking for a relationship which has no passion at the end just because you're married? or are you looking for a partner to share your life with? so now i ask myself, to find a suitable partner? does suitability dependant on similiarities? i guess, the larger the differences you have, the more you'll want to dicover from your partner, the more passion you'll create. it all depends on how you work on it. if u love, you'll never fail to try and discover.
some people told me, "if she loves you, she loves you."
some said, "nothing is more beautiful than the first love you really love for. it was when you actually put in everything you have, no reserve."
good night once again.
oh, something exciting happened today. fun fun fun... hah.
i guess i've shared, enough.