这是一本抽屉乏黄的日记.. 让我(们)的歌带你走过岁月..

Saturday, September 19, 2009

the ugly truth.

a great comedy/romance movie i would say. many insights as what i've read, and of course the many new ones which surfaced. i would definitely love to quote some out from the show, however i couldn't remember them exactly. probably when got to catch the 2nd time.

but some rough quotes here & cross references from the book i read..

- women wants man to be like a women, yet this is surely unrealistic. however, just like man, a man wants a woman to be like his guy friends.

- women fantasize about a perfect partner, but it doesn't happen in reality.

- women have their checklist on the ideal partner they want. as i read, this is quite similar to women having point system which is created subconciously in their mind.

probably women just likes to create documents in their mind. =X

the above are some facts which i read and it was clearly displayed in parts of the scene.

an attention from man can often spark of the many emotions in women.

as mentioned, men and women are hardwired differently. we do things the opposite. actually we know, but often than not, we do not accept the opposite.

the movie has shown 2 couples of very different personality coming together at the end. although on the female side, she has tried to find someone similar and close to her requirements (using very much of her thoughts), but it doesn't work out. on the other hand, the man unknowingly love her, for no reason.

the man has embrace this differences, because he is aware and he understood. as for the woman, unknowingly she has understood and embraces this differences between them overtime.

"man loves a woman whom he is successful in loving in"

there is no reason. and true enough, because you JUST do so.

there's one scene in the show as the couple had some passionate dance; brought me back some images which i probably wouldn't have thought of times back.

the ugly truth is, man are definitely lustful. however, a man will only really love one who he truly does (and of course successful in loving).

this brings me back to a point which was shared by others; our partner consist of 80% of what we need. 20% goes to what we really want. however, if you think about the love that has gradually accumulated over time, and the storms that you've went through. it just adds up to 100% what you really need.

the 20% of what you want are just your fantasies.


i got a sweet dreams last night. and yea, i hate waking up from sweet dreams.

perception between the generations seems to have drifted a little.

spoils mood.


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