这是一本抽屉乏黄的日记.. 让我(们)的歌带你走过岁月..

Sunday, September 12, 2010



没了爱情... 感情总还是有吧?

人.. 真的会怀念感情吗?

你是否还记得.. 一段感情/爱情纯真的美好?

ha.. 真可笑...

回忆.. 总是在脑海里..

清晰.. 可见...

but well.. I guess this article (extract) which I came across, explains why.

"If a person has an experience that is physically, mentally or emotionally traumatic, the mind deals with the situation in one of several different ways. Some people abuse alcohol, food, drugs or other substances to numb the feelings they have inside. Others mourn for a short period of time, restore their faith, balance and sanity, and somehow miraculously move on.

But the rest of us left over, usually those who are very analytical and logical, have trouble processing deeply troubling situations. So, we replay the painful situation over and over again in our minds, searching for an answer. But the problem is, the answer cannot be found in the rational mind, because the problem is on an emotional plain. Therefore, the solution has to come from the heart, which needs to be healed and restored."

how you wish sometimes you could be less logical and analytical.

"we live in a world of lies & many hidden truth; what was real became surreal, what's dream became a fantasy. Humans forgo guilt/conscience/kinships/friendships which we learn since young & over the years, to move on. At the start, it's always "He/She/I'm so glad/ thank god to have met you..!" The end states, "no one is worth that sympathy nor apology". Much less, the basic respect for the relationships built."

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