'when men and women are insecure, they have equal tendency to use strong emotional outbursts or the silent treatment as a way to threaten, shame, or punish their partners. when this is the case, they are using their reactions to control and manipulate rather than release their stress.
when a man pulls away to cope with his own stress, a woman may chose to punish him by pulling away when he comes back. she may develop the testosterone tendency of pulling away. unfortunately, her spiteful behavior does not support either partner.
punishing our partners by withholding our love may work in the short term, but in the long term it creates fear and mistrust, causing on tension and conflict.
an attitude of "i win you lose" in a relationship is an empty victory. when you love someone, you lose if that person loses. the greatest pain we feel in a relationship comes when we withhold the love in our own hearts.' - denial?
"real love does not demand perfection but actually embraces imperfection", it's not about compromising.
as i talked to someone who was much elder than i am today. i am starting to realise & learn the many things between men & women, having many new insights as well. you'll never learn unless you bother to find out.
these few weeks, my pace in life slowed down a little. i start to observe people again. day to day, we laughed, we kept ourselves busy with friends/work/things we like to do, despite the problems we faced from work/school/family/techical problems (i.e my laptop screen flickering, not doing whatever that was suppose to be done to solve the problem). stress? definitely. i come back daily, i am faced with the same laptop problem. i guess it's time to do something about it.
when night falls, it's when we're in our comfortable cave, being ourselves once more, then we think about ourselves, our day and everything. the night just seems so comfortable, to be yourself.
finished with AOH. but currently, i've a few projects on hand. real busy, but i'm brewin' success. i'm ready, and i'm fallin'..
airbone! hah!
用心, 用意, 在意地听.
offs here i come!
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