这是一本抽屉乏黄的日记.. 让我(们)的歌带你走过岁月..

Sunday, September 06, 2009

fight/flight response

"when men experience the fight-or-flight response, vasopressin is released into their bodies and enhanced by testosterone. the combination pf vasopressin and testosterone suppresses the production of oxytocin, so it is more difficult for men to calm down. as a result of the suppression of oxytocin production, men do not have the built-in tranquilizer that women have to deal woth stress. in day-to-day activites, women have much higher levels of emotional reaction, but at times of great danger, when men are ready to fight, it is often women who calm things down."

woman's never-ending-to-do list

"the more stress man experiences during the day, the emptier his mind becomes. it is inconceivable to women that a man can quite effortlessly sit and not think about things. this doesn't occur for women, because their muscles don't break down like a man's and rob the brain of amino acids required to think. the more a man feels stressed, the more he needs to recover."

a woman's higher fat-to-muscle ratio enables her body not only to make extra hormones for childbearing but also provide additional energy. by burning fat stored in her extra fat cells, she can produce 20 times more energy than man. this extra energy supports her brain, which never rest, churning away nonstop to create a never-ending-to-do list."

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